Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Welcome to the Briarfield Academy 6th grade blog!

This site was created to document our trip to Washington, DC in May. A committee of 6th grade students update the blog on a regular basis.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Word Fom the Class of the 6th Grade Year

This is a part of the students view of the 6th grade year.We really enjoyed it very much.Thank you Mrs.Tisha for a taking us on these fieldtrips.You are the best and we will not forget this year.It was amazing and we had a blast!We are going to miss 6th grade much! WE LOVE YOU MRS.TISHA!! Taylor:"Mrs.Tisha took us to New Orleans this year and we had a great time.When we got to our hotel that night we played spoons.Mrs.Tisha is awesome at spoons.When she got her 1st letter she fell in the floor and was laughing but she was so mad!" Davis:"My favorite part of school was the fieldtrips.We went to NewOrleans to the WW2 Museum.We went to the Vicksburg Military Park.My favorite part was Washington DC. We went from May 5, to May 9." Luke:"6th grade was fun.Thanks Mrs.Tisha for taking us to Washington,Vicksburg,and New Orleans,bye 6th grade." Christy:"I loved the 6th grade it was so much fun.The main thing I like was going on field trips.It was so much fun the way Mrs.Tisha planned them out.I liked the games we played and almost everything.I'm going to miss everybody alot but then again I might not think about it over the summer.Well I will see them next year."

Samuel:"I will miss Mrs.Tisha for taking on fieldtrips.She let us have fun.We like her and will miss her even in the 7th grade and through all of our years."

Amelia:"I'm going to miss the 6th grade.Washington was halarious,Vicksburg was fun,and New Orleans was spectacular!I'll miss our class this summer!"

Megan:"I LOVED 6th grade!Mrs.Tisha is so much fun and thanks for taking us to Washington D.C. We had a blast! I loved the game spoons and how you always let us play bump before a test.I was so scared at first but I ended up loving it!I will miss it but I think i might make it through 7th grade!"

Addie Bell:"I loved Mrs.Tisha class.It was so much fun.I loved having the opportunity to go on fieldtrips including Washington D.C. thank you so much Mrs.Tisha for taking us.Also another thank you to the people who helped support our trip."

Cash:"Ihad fun in 6th grade.From the fun rumors tothe fieldtrips.Thanks Mrs.Tisha for taking us to Vicksburg and New Orleans.But most of all Washington D.C.!!!"

Ben:"This year was fun in the 6th grade.We went to New Orleans,Vicksburg,and Washington D.C. It was all very fun.Thanks Mrs.Tisha for all your help.We couldn't have done it with out you.I would also like to thank the parents for all of thier hard work."

Hayden:"This is the best year for as long as I have been here.The New Orleans Museum was pretty cool seeing the weapons that were actually used.The Battle of Vicksburg was awesome and the Illinous temple at the Museum of the Battle of Vicksburg was pretty cool.I have to say that D.C. was the best.My favorite ws the Holocaust Museum.Seeing the actuall luggage they used,the shoes,and the escape boat.Thanks Mrs.Tisha you are the best!"

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