Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Welcome to the Briarfield Academy 6th grade blog!

This site was created to document our trip to Washington, DC in May. A committee of 6th grade students update the blog on a regular basis.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


A shuttle picked us up from the hotel and dropped us off at the White House. The girls liked the red room the best. Taylor like the blue room because it had the Navy Seal on all the furniture and it was very articulate. Ben like the State Dining Room. But mostly, the snipers on the roof were the coolest.
Then Anthony, our shuttle driver, took us to Arlington Cemetary. First we rode a trolley there and stopped and JFK's grave with the flame. We were all looking for tombstones with the star of David on them because those were Jewish. Cash wanted to try to pee on the flame to see if he could put it out. Then we saw the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The soldiers who guard the tomb clacked their feet really loud, were crisp and clean, and were very graceful when they walked. They also sounded funny when they called out orders. They count 21 steps and stop for 21 seconds before they turn. That represents a 21 gun salute. The adults all loved it and we thought it was awesome. Cash is still waiting for them to flip their guns in the air which they never did.
Then we saw the monument for the Challenger space shuttle that blew up with the teacher on board. Addie Bell felt sorry for her.
Then we went to Arlington House which was the home of Robert E. Lee. Cash was really ticked off that the furniture was not there because they were remodeling it. Amelia loved the color in the rooms and the view. Did you know that Robert E. Lee was kin to George Washington.....a Yankee?
Then we went to a mall to eat at the Food Court. A lot of things were EXPRESS... Taco Bell Express, Panda Express, Express the store. Luke liked that there were a lot of hot girls there. They had a bobble head Obama.
We went to Mount Vernon after that. The power was out in the museum so we didn't get to see that. We went to the mansion and Taylor was a very good tour guide. She made up a lot of stuff. She said that at least her stuff was believable....not like the stuff the tour guide was saying. Washy Boy was a farmer and rich. He had a lot of shops on his plantation like blacksmith and salt room and the spinning room. We saw the tomb where the entire Washington family is buried. There were 3 port a potties all in one room for Washington and all his buddies to use at the same time. The girls thought it was disgusting, the boys thought it was cool.
After that we went to the ESPN Zone. We played in the arcade for 2 hours. Davis andLuke threw the ball so hard that he broke the head off the plastic football players.
When we got back on the train, we saw the grouchy old man that got in a fight with Ms. Tisha. We all waved at him through the window and he got pretty P. O'd.
It is now 9:30 and Ms. Tisha won't let us swim until we finish this. Tomorrow we get on a plane and will be home by noon. Peace Out.


  1. Cash you are so weird why would you want to pee on it?????? i can not wait for y'all to get back to listen to all the good stories!!!! :]

  2. Anne Marie, I think we ARE hearing all the good Your blog is so much more interesting when the kids are telling the stories. So glad you guys have had a great time. I know you've learned a lot or at least what you already knew is sinking in. Have a safe trip home!

  3. I am still laughing!! The stories are so interesting I hate for them to end tomorrow. I am so happy all of you are having a great time. Thanks to Ms. Tisha and all the Parents that went, I think it's pretty awesome that you all get to have this experience. I cant wait to see my Coody girls!! Have a safe trip back!!
