Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Welcome to the Briarfield Academy 6th grade blog!

This site was created to document our trip to Washington, DC in May. A committee of 6th grade students update the blog on a regular basis.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 4

We got at the hotel late last night but we will post and put pictures on here tonight!Taylor,Christy,Megan,and Ben


  1. i am sad without Megan Addie Bell and Zoe :[
    i can not wait until y'all get back!!!

  2. Thanks for the pictures and updates. Looks like y'all are having a great time. I am remembering last year when we went. Did you get to see the White House. I am praying for your safe trip home. Miss you, Tisha.

    Laurie Brister

  3. Can't wait to see all the pics and hear what you did yesterday. Please please tell us why Mrs. Tisha was arguing with a strange man in the subway. The world wants to know!

  4. Hope ya'll are havin' a great time! Thanks SO much for takin' us last year Mrs. Tish!! It was an experience I'll never forget!!! I know ya'll are begging to stay just one more day!
