Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Welcome to the Briarfield Academy 6th grade blog!

This site was created to document our trip to Washington, DC in May. A committee of 6th grade students update the blog on a regular basis.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We are here!

When we arrived in Jackson this morning we ate at O Charleys.Then we went to the airport!When we got there Mrs.Tisha realized she didn't have her bag. She forgot it so Ms.Kathy and Mrs.Debra, thanks for getting them.We were all very nervous they wouldn't make it.Then we got on the plane.We arrived in Baltimore 2 hours after that.Then we got our luggage and got in the shuttle.The shuttle took us to our hotel.When got to the hotel we ate pizza.Then we played spoons for a little while.Now we are going swimming!

thanks for following us,
Taylor,Christy,Megan,and Ben


  1. I am so glad you got there safe and sound. What a funny story about Mrs. Tisha's bags. Can't wait to see what stories you will have for us tomorrow. Be safe and have fun!

  2. Oh my gosh, Mrs. Tisha!!!
    The Preschoolers want to tell Mrs. Lisa that they miss her. And to the kids, 'No Fair they went swimming'. HaHa
    Ya'll have a good time and we want some pictures soon.
    ~BA Pre-K

  3. So glad you made it. I know first hand how exciting every day will be. Keep Mrs. Tisha straight on the Metro. Try not to lose anybody! Make sure everyone knows you're from the WHO DAT state.

  4. hey ya'll its Courtney Braswell! Just wanted to say I love ya'll, and I hope you have a GREAT time!!!

  5. Hey 6th grade! I've been enjoying seeing you pictures and reading about your adventures! You're writers are doing a great job! Have fun and learn alot! Hey, did you know that I grew up across the Potomac River, in Arlington, Va.
    Love-Miss Sara Beth
