Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Briarfield Academy 6th Grade

Welcome to the Briarfield Academy 6th grade blog!

This site was created to document our trip to Washington, DC in May. A committee of 6th grade students update the blog on a regular basis.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Chicken Spaghetti

Our third fundraiser was chicken spaghetti.We sold over four hundred plates.Almost everyone helped in the fundraiser.We want to thank all the adults who helped and give a special thanks to Mrs.Benita and Mr and Mrs. Minson for baking alot the spaghetti and brownies.We had a big turnout with it.We ended up having alot of spaghetti left at the end. It was a great fundraiser and a lot of hard work!!!


  1. Love the blog and pics! Looks like ya'll are having a great time. Be sure to give my sister a hard time....little hint...she hates the sound of nails scratching on the chalkboard and she really hates the sound of someone smacking in her ear!!!! HaaHaa! She'll love me for that one!
    Good Luck!
    April Ware (Mrs. Tisha's little sister)

  2. My chicken spaghetti was soooo good! I had so much in my box that I was able to make another meal from it. Thanks for the opportunity to get a yummy lunch!
