Babysitting was the first fundraiser we did to get to Washington, D.C. The 6th grade was excited and nervous at the same time. The first time we babysat was in the 6th grade class room for the kids while their parents went to the stockholders meeting. The kids had alot of fun and so did our class. Since our class had alot of fun we wanted to babysit again.
The next time we babysat was for the adults' kids while they went to the Briarfield reunion.We babysat at the Northside Church of Christ. We ate hotdogs and had drinks. We had so much fun even though babysitting wasn't a huge success. We still wanted to babysit one last time.
The last time we babysat was for the kids while their parents went to the Rebel Open. We babysat at Briarfield in the gym. We played alot of fun games in and outside. Even though babysitting wasn't a huge success it sill got us some money for us to go to D.C!
Great post, guys! Keep up the great work!
Ms. T